Does Microwave Popcorn Ever Go Bad?

13 May.,2024


Does Microwave Popcorn Ever Go Bad?

Does Microwave Popcorn Ever Go Bad?

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It doesn't exactly seem like a perishable item, and indeed many of us keep it in our cupboards or pantries for what feels like extended periods of time. But can microwave popcorn go bad before you get around to popping it? The answer to that question is yes, since, as Kitchen Seer notes, any food item which contains fats and oils has the potential to become rancid. But not to worry: It will last a while before doing so.

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According to Eat By Date, popcorn lasts indefinitely, and microwave popcorn lasts for six to eight months. What's the difference? Popcorn is simply kernels, while microwave popcorn is prepackaged with kernels, oils, and seasonings. Once upon a time, microwave popcorn did contain actual butter and had to be refrigerated, but now it's commonly given butter flavorings like diacetyl instead. Because of its perishability factor and propensity to dry out over time, says Kettle Heroes, microwave popcorn has an expiration date, or "best by date," on its packaging.

Well expired microwave popcorn

I'd be a little worried, but I can't really think of anything that could expire in there. Maybe there's butter already in it so maybe that could expire but just give it a really good shake before microwaving and you should be good to go, I think.

Also if you're going to eat expired food you may as well go all the way and make sure it's several years expired, this is the opportunity right now.

*I may not be held liable for giving wrongful advice in the event of fatal or non fatal food poisoning.


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