Polylactic Acid Prices, Monitor, Market Analysis & Demand

07 Oct.,2024


Polylactic Acid Prices, Monitor, Market Analysis & Demand

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For the Quarter Ending June

North America

In Q2 , the Polylactic Acid (PLA) market in North America experienced fluctuating yet ultimately positive pricing dynamics. This quarter marked significant developments influenced by several key factors. Primarily, increased feedstock costs, particularly for corn, the primary raw material for PLA, exerted upward pressure on production expenses. Additionally, heightened consumer demand for eco-friendly, biodegradable packaging solutions, driven by growing environmental awareness and stricter regulations against conventional plastics, further propelled PLA prices.

In the United States, which saw the maximum price variations, overall trends exhibited a modest yet steady incline. Seasonality played a role, with increased demand for cold beverage packaging during the summer months. This seasonal demand amplified PLA uptake, maintaining consistent price growth. The percentage change from the previous quarter in was recorded at a positive 1%, suggesting a stable and gradually improving pricing environment.

The comparison between the first and second halves of the quarter showed an identical 1% increase, underscoring a consistent upward trend throughout Q2. Despite these fluctuations, the overall sentiment in the PLA pricing environment remained positive. The latest quarter-ending price stood at USD /MT of Polylactic Acid Contract DEL Louisiana in the USA, reflecting a sustained recovery and growth trajectory. This progression indicates that the market is navigating through a phase of stability, with gradual price increases driven by both supply-side and demand-side factors.


The second quarter of has seen a pronounced decline in Polylactic Acid (PLA) prices across the European region. This period was marked by several influential factors that collectively exerted downward pressure on the market. A significant contributor to the price decrease was the consistent reduction in raw material costs, particularly corn, which is a key feedstock for PLA production. The market also witnessed a stable supply chain, bolstered by efficient production facilities and steady import volumes from major suppliers like the USA and Thailand. Despite minor seasonal fluctuations, demand remained moderate, failing to counterbalance the abundant supply and further facilitating the price drop. Additionally, the global push for sustainable packaging solutions, while intensifying, did not translate into immediate increased demand for PLA, thus preventing any upward price correction.

Focusing on Germany, which experienced the most substantial price variations, the overall trend depicted a steady decline. The seasonal demand for PLA in various applications, such as cold beverage packaging, did not suffice to elevate prices significantly. The correlation between supply-side stability and minimal demand growth underpinned the consistent price reduction. From the preceding quarter in , prices fell by 10%, indicating a persistent downward trend. Moreover, a comparison between the first and second halves of the quarter revealed a slight decrease of 1%, underscoring the continuous albeit gradual decline.

By the end of Q2 , the PLA price in Germany settled at USD per metric ton CFR Hamburg. This quarter&#;s pricing environment has predominantly been negative, driven by balanced supply and demand, decreasing raw material costs, and stagnant market uptake, which collectively maintained the downward trajectory of PLA prices.


In Q2 , the pricing environment for Polylactic Acid (PLA) in the APAC region exhibited an overall increasing sentiment. This quarter saw a confluence of factors driving market prices, reflecting a nuanced interplay of supply-demand dynamics, raw material costs, and strategic industry maneuvers. Elevated production costs, particularly due to rising prices of feedstocks like cassava and corn starch, played a significant role. Additionally, steady demand from key sectors such as packaging, agriculture, and 3D printing sustained upward pressure on prices. Enhanced production capabilities, alongside government-backed initiatives promoting bioplastics, further shaped the market landscape.

Focusing on South Korea, which experienced the most substantial price changes, several trends and seasonal influences were evident. Despite a -12% decline from the previous quarter, Q2 saw a notable recovery, characterized by a 3% price increase between the first and second half of the quarter. This rebound was fueled by the resurgence in demand for sustainable packaging solutions and advancements in PLA production technologies. The seasonal uptick aligned with increased industrial activity and consumer shifts towards eco-friendly alternatives.

The quarter-ending price for PLA in South Korea stood at USD /MT CFR Busan, marking a positive trajectory. Despite earlier declines, the latter part of Q2 showcased slight increment in prices, underscoring a resilient market adjusting to evolving economic and environmental imperatives. This reflects a stable pricing environment, poised for potential growth as the region continues to embrace sustainable practices and innovations in bioplastics.

For the Quarter Ending March

North America

In the first quarter of , the North American Polylactic Acid (PLA) market saw significant fluctuations influenced by various supply and demand factors. Supply challenges were prominent due to limited production capacity and scheduled maintenance shutdowns at several PLA production facilities, which constrained the available supply and contributed to upward pricing pressures. Additionally, increases in raw material costs, particularly for lactic acid, directly impacted PLA production costs, pushing prices higher. The North American market also felt the effects of global trends, including a surge in PLA demand and disruptions in production from major international producers, which further tightened the supply chain.

On the demand side, the market experienced increased activity as industries, especially those involved in packaging, ramped up pre-production planning for the upcoming summer season, driven by the growing consumer preference for sustainable products. This demand was juxtaposed against a backdrop of strained supply and increased production and logistical costs, making the market dynamics for PLA particularly complex during this period. As a result, the North American PLA market navigated through a quarter marked by tight supply, robust demand, and elevated pricing influenced by both domestic factors and global market conditions.

In the USA specifically, the PLA market has seen the maximum price changes. Prices have witnessed a slight decline of -3% from the previous quarter in . However, compared to the same quarter last year, prices have increased by 1%. This indicates a relatively stable pricing environment with slight fluctuations. The first half of the quarter saw higher prices compared to the second half, but the overall trend has been relatively stable. The quarter-ending price for Polylactic Acid Contract DEL Louisiana in the USA is USD /MT. 


Q1 presented significant challenges for Polylactic Acid (PLA) in the APAC region, with prices experiencing a notable incline. In January, PLA prices in South Korea surged due to rising corn prices, a primary feedstock, and heightened demand for sustainable packaging. Government policies promoting bioplastics also influenced demand and prices, resulting in a slight increase. The market dominance of rigid bioplastics like PLA, coupled with expanding production capacity globally, contributed to the upward pressure on prices.

In February, global demand for PLA continued to rise, driven by its environmentally friendly nature. However, disruptions in the global supply chain and increasing raw material costs led to higher PLA prices in South Korea, necessitating adaptability to evolving market dynamics. In March, South Korea experienced a decline in PLA prices due to a seasonal slowdown in demand, particularly from sectors like automotive and textiles. Increased domestic production and higher import volumes from countries like Thailand further contributed to oversupply and downward pressure on prices. Fluctuations in raw material costs and favorable exchange rates also influenced the price decline, highlighting the importance of analyzing import volumes and inventory management practices.

As the quarter comes to an end, the latest price for Polylactic Acid in South Korea stands at USD /MT CFR Busan. These price trends reflect the positive pricing environment for PLA in the APAC region during Q1 . The market has been characterized by inclining demand, increased competition, and low supply, resulting in higher prices for Polylactic Acid.


In the first quarter of , the European market for polylactic acid (PLA) witnessed an initial incline in prices, primarily attributed to rising corn prices and increased production costs. Weather disruptions and global demand contributed to the escalation of PLA production expenses, creating tighter supply conditions. Limited expansion of PLA production capacity further exacerbated the supply-demand imbalance, compounded by geopolitical tensions and disruptions in the global supply chain.

However, as February progressed, the market experienced a shift as demand for PLA began to decline. Reduced consumer spending and a seasonal slowdown in critical sectors like automotive and textiles led to weakened demand for PLA-containing goods. Surplus supply surpassed regional demand, particularly in countries like Belgium, where intensified competition from emerging alternative bioplastics further contributed to price declines. Fluctuations in raw material costs, coupled with general market volatility stemming from the global economic climate and geopolitical tensions, underscored the complexities influencing PLA prices in Europe.

Overall, the pricing sentiment in Europe remained declining throughout the first quarter of . The market was characterized by a delicate balance of supply and demand dynamics, as well as external factors such as geopolitical tensions and global economic conditions, which collectively shaped PLA pricing trends during this period. Hence, the PLA prices in Belgium in quarter ending stands at USD /MT, FD Antwerp.

For the Quarter Ending December

North America

Polylactic Acid pricing in the North American region has been influenced by various factors during Q4 . Firstly, a bearish market sentiment has emerged due to weak demand from downstream industries, especially in the packaging sector, resulting in price decreases as inventory accumulation has limited improvement throughout the year. 

Secondly, there has been a moderate to high supply of Polylactic Acid, with ample inventories available in the market. Weak import levels from Asian countries like Thailand and China have contributed to the overall supply situation. Thirdly, a plant shutdown has been reported, although specific details about the shutdown are unavailable. Within North America, the United States (USA) has experienced the most significant price changes, with Polylactic Acid prices declining by 7.5% during Q4 , reaching a quarter-ending price of USD /MT for Polylactic Acid Contract DEL Louisiana. 

This decline can be attributed to factors such as weak demand from the packaging industry, easing import prices reaching the US market, and limited improvement in downstream industry demand. In terms of price trends, there has been a 7.5% decrease compared to the same quarter last year, with no significant change from the previous quarter. 


The APAC region witnessed a moderate to high supply of Polylactic Acid (PLA) in Q4 , leading to a bearish market situation due to decreasing overseas orders and freight rates. However, several initiatives supporting the ban on plastics and sustainable packaging materials have generated positive sentiments in downstream markets. The top three reasons for the market situation were manufacturers ramping up their upstream storage, China's economic recovery, and high energy prices supporting production costs. South Korea experienced a depreciation of 1.71% in the South Korean won to USD exchange rate, impacting PLA prices. The percentage change in PLA prices in South Korea from the same quarter last year was -8%, and from the previous quarter, it was 1%. The price percentage comparison of the first and second half of the quarter in South Korea was 6%. No plant shutdown was reported during this quarter. The current quarter-ending price of Polylactic Acid CFR Busan in South Korea is USD /MT.


Polylactic Acid (PLA) prices in Europe showed a slight improvement in Q4 . The market situation has been bullish with a moderate supply, and the major downstream food packaging industry reported steady demand even after the festive season. Expectations of decreasing freight rates and ample domestic inventory supporting a price drop contrast with potential upward pressure on prices due to decreasing overseas orders and increasing upstream prices during the destocking season. The European Parliament's amendment of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) to remove and modify packaging reuse targets has affected the market. Belgium experienced significant price changes, with a -20% price change from the same quarter last year and a -22% change from the previous quarter. The price percentage comparison of the first and second halves of the quarter was -12%. Recent events in Belgium related to water pollution caused by plastic packaging prompted the EU government to consider immediate action to ban food packaging materials for the better health of European citizens. Increased demand in the downstream packaging industry and an improved mindset among investors in the sustainable packaging industry contributed to the upward force on PLA prices. The latest Polylactic Acid price in Belgium is USD /MT FD Antwerp.

For the Quarter Ending September

North America 

In the US market, Polylactic Acid prices witnessed a significant decline during the third quarter of , with several key factors contributing to this trend. Weak demand from downstream industries, sluggish feedstock prices, cheaper imports from Thailand, and stable production costs were among the primary drivers of this decrease. The demand from the downstream packaging industry remained persistently weak, with no new developments reported in either the US or the international market. Consumption rates in overseas markets also remained underwhelming, resulting in a slump in the packaging and specialty plastics industry, a trend echoed by other polymer manufacturers in the global market. Imports from the Thailand market remained ample, although recent ITC trade data indicated a drop in imports from this country. This reduction highlighted the overarching themes of weak consumption rates and limited buying sentiment in the industry. Key manufacturers in the market maintained firm production rates, leading to ample inventory levels. Stable upstream Corn prices contributed to consistent production costs for downstream Polylactic Acid. By the end of the last month of the third quarter in the USA, Polylactic Acid prices continued to decline and were assessed at USD per MT FOB US Gulf Coast. This pricing trajectory was emblematic of the multifaceted dynamics influencing the Polylactic Acid market in the United States.


In the Asian market, the third quarter of saw a continued decline in Polylactic Acid prices, with several factors contributing to this downward trend. These included depressed demand, low import prices, weak demand from downstream industries, and limited new queries. In the South Korean market, Polylactic prices experienced a sharp drop, primarily due to sluggish buying sentiment and the influx of cheaper imports from the neighboring Chinese market. The presence of these cost-effective imports significantly impacted the local pricing dynamics. Demand from downstream industries in the Asian market remained largely stable, with minimal changes compared to previous months. The performance of the packaging industry continued to underwhelm, and demand from downstream segments like food packaging and the medical industry showed stagnancy, with limited new queries in the preceding two weeks. Procurement in these sectors was also notably weak. Furthermore, the demand for conventional polymers, as well as biodegradable polymers, remained lackluster in the first half of . Imports from neighboring markets, such as Thailand and the overseas US market, remained ample. However, there was a noticeable decline in imports from both countries, as reported by the latest ITC trade data. This reduction in imports highlighted the persistently weak consumption rates and limited buying sentiment in the Asian Polylactic Acid market. The affordability of cheaper imports from Thailand played a pivotal role in shaping the pricing trajectory during this period. As of the conclusion of August , Polylactic Acid prices were assessed at USD per MT CFR Busan, reflecting the complex interplay of these market dynamics in the Asian region.


In the European market, the third quarter of saw a persistent decline in Polylactic Acid prices, influenced by several key factors. Depressed demand from downstream industries, the affordability of imports, a lackluster international market sentiment, sluggish demand resulting from the fragile global economic landscape, and an oversupply in the current market all played a role in this downward trend. The Netherlands continued to witness bearish price trends for Polylactic acid throughout the third quarter. This trend extended to both conventional and biodegradable polymers. The packaging industry struggled to keep up with volumes, and the pricing disparity between contract and spot prices significantly impacted chemical producers in Europe. The continued presence of weak demand and international competition posed challenges to maintaining operating rates in the region. Domestic production in Europe operated at optimum levels, resulting in abundant inventory levels in both the domestic market and at ports. The upstream Corn starch and lactic acid market remained stable during this period. Demand from the downstream packaging industry remained persistently weak, with no significant developments reported in the European market, which had been grappling with a significant decline in demand. The packaging and specialty plastics industry saw sharp reductions in activity, as highlighted by major industry players such as Dow, BASF, and others. Import prices from the Asian market remained relatively lower, as indicated by the latest trade data. This condition resulted in slightly strengthened procurements, although overall demand sentiment in the European region remained predominantly sluggish. As of the conclusion of the last month of the third quarter in the Netherlands, Polylactic Acid prices continued to decline and were assessed at USD per MT FOB Amsterdam, reflecting the complex interplay of these market dynamics in Europe.

For the Quarter Ending June

North America

In the American subcontinent, the prices spiked persistently in the first half of the Q2 from April to mid-May which later declined in the second half from mid-May to the last week of June. The prices in the first half of Q2 increased owing to the stable to strong procurement activities; further cost pressure from feedstock corn starch is also expected to remain stable and promising demand incoming from the end-use downstream industries like transport, agriculture, textile, packaging, manufacturing, transport. However, in the second half of Q2, the PLA prices declined. In the American markets, because of the cheap imports reaching the American ports from the Asian and European markets. Further, the moderate supply, sufficient inventories, and low to moderate demand coming from downstream have resulted in a price decline. On top of that, the underwhelming performance of the construction industry has further hampered the consumption rates resulting in further price decline of the product. The prices of PLA were assessed at USD /MT USGC on a FOB basis with a 1.9 % monthly increment on 09 Jun .


In the Asia Pacific region, the price of Polylactic Acid (PLA) has been inconsistent throughout Q2, increasing in the first half from April to the second week of May till 12 May and declining thereafter up until the last week of June with the 2 %. The prices increased in the first half of the quarter owing to sudden spikes in consumer demand for PLA, which consequently triggered a bullwhip effect, and in addition, a healthy trading environment with steady demand was observed. In the second half of Q2, the Chinese market witnessed a decline in price because of stable production costs and reduced demand coming from downstream industries. Moreover, the feedstock corn and corn starch prices have also remained stable, culminating in lesser production costs overall, pulling down the prices. Furthermore, coal prices have also reached normal rates after the upheaval, which further eased the cost support for production. The prices of Polylactic Acid Contract CFR Qingdao China were assessed at USD per MT Ex-Qingdao on 16 June .


In the European market, the prices of PLA increased in the first half of Q2 of from the first week of April to 12 Mar while taking on the downtrend from 19 Mar up until the last week of June. The market prices of Polylactic Acid escalated in the German market with costs ranging at USD /ton CFR Hamburg in the first half of Q2 amidst depreciating currency exchange values of Euro against USD and an increase in demand from downstream packaging and textiles. Further, the actual Purchase Manager Index of Germany was seen to be 44, impacting the market sentiments of the product in the region. An increase in demand from the downstream packaging and textiles sector caused this escalation. The prices in the second half declined owing to the stable to lower demand from the downstream packaging, manufacturing, and transport industry, which has cumulatively made the market situation bearish overall. Further, the moderate supply, stable inventories reported by traders, and increasing interest rates due to inflation have resulted in price decline. On top of that, the underwhelming performance of the construction industry has further hampered consumption rates, resulting in further product price decline.

For the Quarter Ending March  

North America

Polylactic Acid (PLA) prices escalated in the North American market during the first quarter of , with costs ranging at USD /ton Contract FOB USGC in February. Downstream packaging product saturation, commoditization of Polylactic Acid, emerging customer channels, and growing price sensitivity have changed the marketing prices of PLA manufacturing companies in the packaging industry. Along with this, an increase in operating costs, logistics, and utilities based on Polylactic Acid elevated in the market. The procurement of Polylactic Acid increased in the North American market with lowering inventories rate of the product with increasing consumption with the traders. 


The market value of Polylactic Acid elevated in the Asian market during the first two months of Q1, , with prices ranging at USD /ton Contract CFR Qingdao. An enormous quantity of energy is needed to produce PLA, which raises the price of the completed good. The market value of maize starch was under pressure because of the increase in energy costs. The effectiveness and expense of the PLA production processes have an impact on the price of the materials used in packaging farther down the supply chain. However, this trend reversed during the last month of the quarter due to decreasing demand from the downstream market, which elevated the inventory level of Polylactic Acid with the traders and suppliers. 


During the first quarter of , the prices of Polylactic Acid depleted during January while escalating during the remaining two months of the quarter, with prices ranging at USD /ton FD Immingham in March. The exporting nations' production costs rose to pressurize the market value of the product. A decrease in the supply of the product in the region due to a slight supply chain disruption caused a scarcity of the product among the traders. Increasing competition between the suppliers of PLA in the region impacted the prices of Specialty Chemicals. With a rise in consumption, the inventory level of the product decreased with the merchants, and stocks of feedstock Corn Starch were also observed to decrease. The freight charges were also increasing from North Europe to East Asian countries.

For the Quarter Ending December

North America

During the fourth Quarter of , Polylactic Acid prices witnessed mixed sentiment in the US market amidst rising fear of recession and varying demand strength. The upstream (corn) prices declined sharply towards the quarter end, significantly impacting the final prices of Polylactic acid in the North American market. Employment decreased only marginally as a result of cost-cutting measures, uncertainty about future demand, and lower production requirements. Price inflation rates for input costs and output costs both dropped; hence overall Polylactic acid market remained on the lower end. The demand for biodegradable plastics from meal delivery services varied as the country had festive holidays. Inflation and a supply chain gap have an impact on Polylactic acid market pricing in the US.

Asia Pacific

Towards the end of Q4 of , the Asia-Pacific market witnessed a declining trend for Polylactic Acid backed by the quiet Chinese market and declining demand dynamics. The Chinese government's restrictions on the country's main financial centers (Shanghai, Beijing, and Wuhan) influenced the operational rate of end-use (biodegradable packaging) manufacturing units. The upstream (corn) prices dropped towards the quarter end, impacting the final production cost of Polylactic acid. Both the product's production and demand fell. Due to the low demand for the commodity, the supply chain for feed from Thailand (a major exporter) was ordinary. The inventories moved slowly as well. Because there was low trading, Chinese manufacturers had enough supply to cater to the local demand. 


In the fourth Quarter of , the overall market dynamics of Polylactic acid were stable on account of stagnant demand for the product from the downstream market. The prices of PLA were impacted by rising inflation and commodity prices. Due to a change in consumer priorities amidst the threat of an upcoming economic recession, prices in Germany have fluctuated throughout the Quarter. The supply chain continues to be hampered by German railway lines. A worsening supply chain has been preventing the import of feed due to port congestion in many German ports caused by labor strikes in the first half of the Quarter. When industrial activity decreased slightly in the German market, the price fell towards the Quarter. Low demand and declining industrial output affected the market prices for Polylactic acid. 

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For the Quarter Ending September

North America

During the third Quarter of , Polylactic Acid prices witnessed mixed sentiment in the US market amidst rising fear of recession. According to market participants, the prices of Polylactic acid have been delayed due to the continuous decline in corn prices in the United States. However, demand for biodegradable plastics from food delivery services fluctuated. Inflation and the delay in the supply chain also governed the market prices of Polylactic Acid in the United States. Polylactic acid production continued in the domestic market because manufacturers had enough feedstock to meet domestic demand. Many vessels have been delayed owing to increased transit time in ports such as Houston and others. As a ripple effect, the Polylactic Acid prices for Contract FOB USGC (USA) settled at USD /MT.

Asia Pacific

In the Chinese market, the Polylactic Acid Price showcased stagnant price movement amidst fluctuating feedstock costs. According to market participants, the inclination occurred due to rising feedstock prices and corn and lactic acid prices in the domestic market. Furthermore, feed transportation from the United States remained chaotic as the supplying country faced inconsistencies in the feedstock. The demand for biodegradable plastics in the Chinese market has remained positive, impacting market prices for Polylactic Acid. New environmental regulations, societal concerns, and increased awareness have prompted the search for environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, the domestic production of Polylactic Acid has remained low due to a lack of feedstock, sugarcane, and corn from the supplying country. Thus, the Polylactic Acid prices for CFR Qingdao (China) settled at USD /MT.


Polylactic Acid prices in the European market experienced mixed sentiments during the third Quarter of . According to market participants, inflationary pressure on commodity prices has become a critical reason for price increases in the domestic market. Furthermore, natural gas prices have remained high, affecting the Polylactic Acid market. However, in August, Polylactic Acid prices remained stable in the German market, supported by steady demand from downstream industries and a reduction in inflationary pressure. Meanwhile, gradual consistency in the supply chain, combined with adequate stock availability, resulted in a monthly constant price trajectory. Furthermore, the restricted import of natural gas from Russia has raised domestic energy prices. Thus, the cost of Polylactic Acid was assessed at USD /ton CFR Hamburg (Germany). 

For the Quarter Ending June

North America

In the second quarter, the market dynamics of Polylactic Acid witnessed a positive hike in the North American market with an increment of 3%. The prices got assembled at USD per MT, FOB USGC, USA towards the quarter end of rising feedstock prices. The major Polylactic Acid producers in the North American market witnessed feedstock, corn, and cassava shortages. The rising temperature increased the demand from residential and commercial sectors leading to a hike in electricity costs. Supply shortage, high electricity cost, and firm demand from the domestic market significantly elevated the prices. Its biodegradable properties increase its demand in medical sectors, proportionally impacting the market sentiments of Polylactic acid in the North American market. 

Asia Pacific

Polylactic Acid prices showcased mixed sentiments in the Asia-Pacific market during the second quarter of . Major producers of Polylactic acid quoted the market prices as USD per MT, Ex-Qingdao, China, in June. Countries such as Malaysia and Thailand are central feed, corn, and Polylactic Acid producers in the regional market. During mid-quarter, the prices perceived their stability as the country resumed its production rate, but the operation was short-lived as the lockdown was reimposed. The stationary market and sluggish demand from the downstream sector governed the market dynamics of Polylactic Acid. Furthermore, feed availability from USA and Netherlands was hindered, creating a gap between manufacturers and end-users. Demand for medical services such as sutures and organ transplants remained stagnant, stabilizing the market dynamics of Polylactic Acid.


Overall market sentiments toward Polylactic Acid were accessed positively throughout the second quarter. Approximately a 2% hike was witnessed, and the prices were assembled at USD per MT, CFR Hamburg, Germany. Inflated commodities and rising demand for biodegradable plastics among the public have raised the prices. Demand for medical services kept driving the market prices of Polylactic Acid. In addition, feedstock prices remained on the upper edge in the second quarter, proportionally escalating the prices of Polylactic Acid. As per manufacturers, frenzy transportation of feed from the USA became the root cause for the inclined prices in the regional market. Heat waves and several sanctions have hurdled the operational rate of Polylactic Acid. 

For the Quarter Ending March

North America

In the first quarter of , the Polylactic Acid market remained firm with a slight increment of 1% when compared with Q4 of in the North American region. The demand outlook from end use sectors such as food services and others remained favourable which led to its substantial offtakes. Being biodegradable, its demand in medical services have compelled manufacturers to increase the production rate. Feedstock shortage hindered the production of Polylactic Acid by several exporters from the Asia-Pacific countries after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Polylactic Acid price quotations were observed at USD /MT, FOB USGC, USA in the month of January and USD /MT, FOB USGC, USA towards the quarter end.

Asia Pacific

In the first quarter of , Polylactic Acid market in the Asia Pacific region remained stagnant  throughout the quarter despite the hike in the feedstock, corn, and sugarcane prices. The market sentiments in Q1 were governed by the ample availability of feedstock along with the high plant operating rates in order to cater the demand in the domestic market. The resurgence of Covid virus in China surged the demand of Polylactic Acid in medical devices. The prices of Polylactic Acid were quoted at USD /MT, CFR Qingdao, China in the beginning of quarter and USD /MT, Qingdao, China towards the quarter end.


During the first quarter of , the European Polylactic Acid market witnessed stable prices which turned firm by the quarter end. On the other and, in Q1 of , the prices have shown a decline of approximately 7% in comparison to Q4 of . The prices in the month of January were observed at USD /MT, CFR Hamburg and USD /MT, towards the quarter end. The growth observed during the quarter was due to the firm demand from downstream sectors. Manufacturers reported sufficient availability of feed to fulfil the domestic demand in the European region.

For the Quarter Ending December

North America

The Polylactic Acid market in the North American region remained firm during the last quarter of , although the supply outlook improved compared to the third quarter. After the hurricane season, the operational rates at the production facilities were restored and the prices eased gradually in the US domestic market. Although the cost support from the raw material remained persistent against the robust demand and the imports were restricted from the Asia Pacific region due to the limited availability of freight vessels. As a ripple effect, the prices for Polylactic Acid in the US domestic market remained staggering upwards during the fourth quarter of .

Asia Pacific

In the fourth quarter of , the Polylactic Acid market sentiments in the Asia Pacific region observed mixed sentiments throughout the quarter, whereas the prices were remained buoyed in the Southeast Asian region. In Southeast Asia, this market movement is attributed to an unprecedented increase in energy, wages, and international freight costs. In the Northeast Asian region, the supply concerns due to the subdued production rates in the Chinese facilities amidst the power rationing, although the operational rates were improved in the second half of the quarter. As a ripple effect, the FOB Shanghai discussion for Polylactic Acid was settled at USD per tonne, during the quarter ending in December.


During the fourth quarter of , the European Polylactic Acid market sentiments remained buoyed throughout the quarter. This development is attributed to the ongoing electricity crisis which forced producers to reduce the operational rates at the manufacturing sites. In addition, the raw material prices soared drastically coupled with the high charges of freight vessels. The imported volumes were delayed amidst the congestion and limited availability of freight vessels in the Asia Pacific region. As a ripple effect, the Polylactic Acid offers eased in the European domestic market.

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Product Description

100% Compostable PLA Biodegradable Film Rolls For Food Package

1. Product Description

The polylactic acid film is made of a special production process and is completely processed by using a bio-based material.PLA film, with good transparence, and well-printing properties.Good printability, easily adapt to various printing method.PLA film can be laminated with paper tray and replace envelope window and other food packaging. This material is made through burial or compost and able to decompose into water and carbondioxide completely. It does not have any pollute and do not have any bad impact on the environment. Biodegradable Compostable is the new and high polymer material which is made by extract of plant (monomer material) processed with chemical synthesis; it contains non-toxic & non-irritating as its characteristics and can be buried for land. The material is made by the natural plant and can be efficient for reducing carbon emission & use of fossil fuel. It's the most promising high polymer.






1) Capable of refrigeration, keep fresh, biodegradable.

2) With lamination can be sustained refrigeration for 5-7 days.

3) 100% environmental-friendly raw material and can reduce the use of carbon.

4) Easily lamination processed with plastic or paper.

5) Illustrious surface with high level of transparency.

6) Extruding grade in equal thickness and superior film tenacity.

7) Suited with great capability for printing & various purpose and can be twisted.

8) Raw material is sourced from NatureWorks LLC resin IngeoTM, not oil base.




1) Replacement for plastic packaging made from petrochemical materials.
(ex.: plastic bag, bouquet pack, and bread bag)

2) Paper tray.

3) Envelope window.

4) Food packaging.

5) Candy twist packaging.




1) Q: Do you accept OEM?
    A: Yes, we do.

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    A: It&#;s according to the quantity of the order. Normally it is between 5 and 20 days.

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    A: About tons per month.

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