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So heres the deal with standard bakery boxes. I searched high and low for some nice, professional looking bakery boxes that my cakes would fit in. <<< Those are the two key words here. My cakes are ALWAYS too tall! Do you have that problem? I found a few premium cake boxes on the market that were taller than the standard 5 or 6 box, but they were expensive. Not something you could send down the road with every little cake order that comes along. Sure, for those BIG ticket orders you dont mind shelling out for an expensive box that you will never see again. But for your everyday inexpensive little cakes nope!
So me, having the crafty brain that I have, decided to make my own pretty and INEXPENSIVE cake boxes. Follow this tutorial and you can too! This is an inexpensive way to create beautiful, custom cake boxes for your business. Check out the Recommended tools and supplies links at the bottom to see what I used in this tutorial. I think you are going to love making these boxes and customizing them to match your business.
Here is a break down of my approximate cost per box (these prices are for craft colored boxes, white boxes cost a little more)
8 x 8 x 8 (fits 6 cake) = $1.77
10 x 10 x 10 (fits a 8 cake) = $1.72
10 x 10 x 12 (fits a two tier 6,8 cake ) = $2.02
12 x 12 18 ( fits a 3 tier 6,8,10 cake) = $2.23
Not bad for a sturdy, professional, awesome cake box!!
8 x 8 x 8 white boxes
10 x 10 x 12 white boxes
The company is the world’s best Custom Rigid Gift Boxes supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.
12 x 12 x 18 white shipping boxes
Clear Cellophane
Double Stick Adhesive Roller
8 x 8 x8 Craft Shipping Boxes
Ok guys, get cracking! I want to see some of your lovely cake boxes out there! If you post photos anywhere be sure to tag me at Shanis Sweet Art! Go forth and make boxes!
Have a Sweet Day!!