3M® Protection Films - Laser Cutting, Engraving & Marking

02 Sep.,2024


3M® Protection Films - Laser Cutting, Engraving & Marking

Ablation of Material

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Contact us to discuss your requirements of Laser Cutting Protection Film Supplier. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

Material ablation is a physical process removing material completely from the top to the bottom surface or partially from the top of the material down to a specified depth.

Organic polymers, such as those in various layers that make up 3M Protection Films, are excellent absorbers of CO2 laser energy. When the polymer absorbs laser energy, it rapidly converts optical energy into molecular vibrations leading to rapid chemical degradation. Material directly in the laser path is ablated and carried away as vapor. The material just outside of the laser's spot or path will conduct some heat, but not enough for complete and thorough combustion and ablation. This area of thermal affect is often referred to as the heat affected zone or HAZ. The HAZ for 3M Protection Films is very small due to the low power required to process the thin material. The vapors generated by laser ablation may deposit on adjacent areas of the film. Several methods can be employed to combat this deposition.

CO2 lasers are commonly available in two wavelengths, 10.6 μm and 9.3 μm. 10.6 μm CO2 lasers are by far the most common, but PET processing is one instance where 9.3 μm lasers hold a clear advantage. PET has a higher absorptivity at 9.3 μm, meaning laser energy is more fully and efficiently converted into heat. The differences between these two laser wavelengths are explored further in the individual processing sections.

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